QIBA Welcomes Kerstin Ka
2020-07-14 00:03:53
2019 will certainly see QIBA with new façade: recently Ms Kerstin Kaehler, Genral Manager of German Enterprises Centre Qingdao has been invited to the Board of QIBA, as the Chairperson of QIBA Huangdao,
In 2019, QIBA Huangdao will organise events at the second Wednesday of every other month, in terms of workshops, seminars, factory tours. Given it is already in March, we thus will have 5 events in Huangdao this year, with the last activity in November. So far we have confirmed 4 of them, in March, May, July and September respectively.
The QIBA monthly event will continue as it has been in the last 13 years, and the QIBA Huangdao team, headed by Ms. Kaehler, chiming at the West Coast of the city will certainly strengthen the tie of Qingdao’s international community.
Ms. Kerstin Kaehler
QIBA Huangdao Chairwoman
GM of German Enterprises Centre Qingdao
Having been living and working in China since 1999, Kerstin speaks fluent Chinese and English as she does in her native language German—she can even distinguish dialects from different provinces.
Ms Kaehler has worked for companies as different as KAHLA Porzellan and BMW and enjoyed each challenge. Her true calling however is the German Centre idea: supporting SMEs to achieve success in China. She has been with the German Centre for Industry and Trade Shanghai since 2007 and is now heading their Qingdao Branch, the German Enterprise Centre in the Sino-German Ecopark in Qingdao. In her 20 years in China, this is the most interesting project she ever worked on—well, as Mr. Cecil Lee, Chairman of QIBA commented, Her role in QIBA will certainly bring more to both QIBA and the international community, not only in Qingdao, but also in Shandong.